June 2023


Istanbul / Turkiye

With centuries of human history, metropolises are architectural marvels of growth. Istanbul, ancient and expansive, thrives as a hub of architectural grandeur amid chaos. Amidst this evolution, one constant remains: food. But why does urban essence, once within architectural confines, now shift from its origins?

Design Concept

Functioning as vital links between production and consumption, Hallshave relocated from urban centers due to factors like accessibility, traffic,and costs. In contrast, Ataşehir market, strategically positioned at the city'score and alongside main roads, emerges as a solution hub. The conventionalenclosed Hall model presents limitations on societal engagement, prompting theexploration of architectural adaptations such as open designs, fosteringindirect integration and enriched interaction within the system.

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Envisioned within the realm of architecture, this design unfolds with amulti-layered operational blueprint. Here, producer markets seamlessly mergewith the ongoing market trade, intricately linked with residential edifices.This innovative integration allows denizens to embody the roles of bothproducers and consumers, fostered by ingenious systems like rooftop farming.This immersive ecosystem is primed to cultivate a vibrant exchange milieu,nurturing elevated social awareness. The adaptable Hall, nurtured by thisecosystem, organically evolves, bolstered by a vast architecture network thatseamlessly integrates producers from across the nation into this visionaryarchitectural tapestry.

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